Friday, September 9, 2011

New Nonfiction Books

Please visit the library to check out our new nonfiction books, which we obtained through a Donors Choose grant. Stay posted, as the other shipment of new books is due to arrive any minute. Also, please spread the word that I just wrote another grant to obtain some new fiction books. I have pasted the link below. Tell everyone it would be super duper if they could donate just $5 or $10 to the GKHS library Donors Choose grant. If you visit the link, you will see the books I'm hoping to win. Please spread the word. We only have five months to try to earn $600 in donations to our book grant. Please visit me in the learning center if you have any questions regarding the grant. Let's line up some donors!


  1. wow, only a couple months for 600 bucks! ill see what i can do.

  2. cool will the last book of the Inheritance series will be with the new books?

  3. Mrs. wilkins what if you do a fundraiser for like bake sales and selling school supplies out for the school and maybe you can do reserve seats for the library year round for like 1 month it would cost like maybe $10 bucks or something like that.

  4. I cant wait for the new books Miss wilkins (:!!!!

  5. Spread the word you guys! We've already had people donate $100 to this grant. I'm really hoping the rest of it is funded too. We've got $490 to go, but we have five months to make it happen. No donation is too small!

  6. cool can i just hand it to you in cash?

  7. wait why only $490 i thought people donated $100 not $110 did you do a typo Mrs.Wilkins?
