Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What are you reading this summer?

Greetings and happy summer. I hope you are all finding time to read good books. Let's get this blog kicking again. I would like to know what you've all got your noses into this summer. We've had plenty of rainy days, so there's no excuse not to read. Unfortunately, most of my reading has been mandatory, grad school reading. However, I recently started to read Devil in the White City once again. It's so densely packed with information that I've started and stopped about four times. This time, I'm going to do it! Now, it's your turn . . . .


  1. I feel like a doofus (sp?) even admitting this, but after reading The Handmaid's Tale and The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, my wife has peer pressured me into reading Twilight.

    I feel like I should paint my fingernails black and start listening to The Cure now, but I have to admit, its a pretty interesting read. I can't say I'm going to read the rest of the series, but at least I can say I read one.

  2. Black fingernails are very in this season Mr. Eich. : ) All the fall fashion magazines are featuring them. Kudos to you for reading Twilight. It's nice to be able to talk to the kids about it isn't it? They absolutely love it. I have only read Twilight as well, but with New Moon, the movie, coming out, I feel the need to get cracking.

  3. Actually, I did finish the series, and am now able to defend all of the kids that get made fun of for loving these books. They were great. I can't say that I'll go see the movies, but I am glad that I stuck to it and finished them off. if I could only find some fingernail polish...

  4. I can help you with the polish. I have a very large palette of colors. Your comment inspired me to begin and finish reading New Moon before the movie comes out. Danke!

  5. The above poster is me. I don't know why it showed up as anonymous.

  6. My first Blog post. I feel like the dad on the twitter commercial, "I am sitting on the patio". I hope you have seen the commercial or that will make no sense. Anyway, my wife read all the Twilight books in just a couple of weeks and was addicted. I have about four books going at the same time, making little progress on any of them. (I don't recommend this strategy) However, the book called, The Shack is fantastic. It has helped me develop/maintain a healthy perspective.

  7. : ) Thanks for joining us! This was my first blogging experience too and I find it to be so fun. I know just what you're talking about with the commercial. It's cute. Thanks for sharing what you're reading with us.
